Smart Classroom Application Software
In today’s world, growing with ever-changing technology and learning process becomes innovative and creative. We provide web based learning portal for academic institutions independently. The institution can monitor and control this entire section. Institution can create syllabus, test papers, and provide teaching materials for their teachers and students. Sections are private and confidential where none of the users can access sections without the concerned school permission. Teachers can assign home works, assignments and projects online on daily basis. Students can access school service from the convenience of their home or from anywhere in the world. Feature to save daily classes or save classes as text pages into the system from the interactive projectors/boards, and students can access all class room study section at their home.

With the help of our software application, teachers can use the latest techniques and creativity of the teaching materials more effective, simpler and engaging.

Master Mind empowers the teachers, students and parents to form a digital interactive learner’s group.